Which Character From “Dumbo” Are You?
7e773f8 Which Character From “Dumbo” Are You? Which Character From “Dumbo” Are You? With big eyes and even bigger ears, "Dumbo" truly captured the world's heart back in the early 1940s. With the newest iteration of this film just released, it's time to find out which character from "Dumbo" you are! Ready for these results? Start the quiz!

Do you prefer sunrise or sunset?

Do you prefer sunrise or sunset?
  • Sunrise
  • Sunset
  • I like them both!

What size would you say you are?

What size would you say you are?
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • Larger
  • X-tra large

When it comes to attention, you love to....

When it comes to attention, you love to....
  • Be the star of the show!
  • Be in charge.
  • Fade into the background.
  • Get little bits here and there.

Which scares you the most?

Which scares you the most?
  • Thunder
  • Losing someone I love
  • Making mistakes
  • Not being successful
  • Heights

Do you like to move around from place to place often?

Do you like to move around from place to place often?
  • Yes, I love a change of scenery.
  • Every now and then, I'm easily bored.
  • Nope, I hate change.

If you were a parent, you would be very...

If you were a parent, you would be very...
  • Protective
  • Fun
  • Laid back
  • Stern
  • Loving

Which emotion tends to rule your life?

Which emotion tends to rule your life?
  • Happiness
  • Sadness
  • Anger
  • Excitement
  • Boredom

How often do you partake in a bit of gossip?

How often do you partake in a bit of gossip?
  • All the time, gossip can be fun!
  • Never, gossip is hurtful.
  • Sometimes, if the mood strikes me.

Do you see yourself as an outcast?

Do you see yourself as an outcast?
  • Absolutely, all the time.
  • Sometimes, in certain situations.
  • Nope, I'm quite the opposite.
  • Depends on the day.

What matters most to you in life?

What matters most to you in life?
  • Family
  • Stardom
  • Money
  • Friendship
  • Happiness