Which Introvert Personality Trait Is Your Most Dominant?
Which Introvert Personality Trait Is Your Most Dominant?
Which trait shines through the most?
How hard is it for you to understand someone else?

- It's very difficult
- It's somewhat difficult
- It's not at all difficult
Do you ever get lost in your thoughts?

- All the time
- Sometimes
- I never do
What exhaust you most about social interactions?

- Making small talk
- Resisting the urge to tune out
- Meeting new people
- Eye contact
- Having to talk about myself
What do you usually think about frequently?

- My future
- The mysteries of human nature
- My emotions
- Love
- Something different
Do you ever feel like you know what will happen before it does?

- Yes I do
- Not usually
- No I don't
Which are you usually stuck in?

- The past
- The present
- The future
Are you more of a intuitive feeler or rational thinker?

- Intuitive feeler
- Rational thinker
Which would you rather be remembered for?

- Creating art
- Writing something great
- A great invention
- Helping others
- A heroic act
Do you ever pray or meditate?

- All the time
- Sometimes I do
- No I don't
Would you consider yourself wise?

- Yes I would
- It depends
- No I wouldn't