Do You Love Your Age?
82a2c66 Do You Love Your Age? Do You Love Your Age? Do you love your current age? Are you having a blast and enjoying life despite your number of years? Take this quiz and find out!

Do you believe that age is just a number?

Do you believe that age is just a number?
  • Yes
  • No
  • For the most part

Do you consider yourself to be beautiful when you look in the mirror?

Do you consider yourself to be beautiful when you look in the mirror?
  • Absolutely
  • Sometimes
  • Eh It depends
  • Almost never

How do you react when you hear your own voice?

How do you react when you hear your own voice?
  • I love it
  • I cringe
  • I wish I could un-hear it
  • I'm not affected

How often do you try something you've never done before?

How often do you try something you've never done before?
  • As often as I can
  • Every now and then
  • Almost never
  • Other

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
  • 5 minutes tops
  • 10-15 minutes
  • 20-30 minutes
  • 40-60 minutes
  • Other

Choose a travel destination:

Choose a travel destination:
  • Hawaii
  • Iceland
  • Germany
  • Jamaica
  • Italy
  • None of these

Which of these activities brings you the most pleasure:

Which of these activities brings you the most pleasure:
  • Reading a book
  • Arts and crafts
  • Kayaking
  • Dancing
  • Hanging out with family
  • Exploring a new city
  • Other

What would others say is your best quality?

What would others say is your best quality?
  • My enthusiasm
  • My sense of humor
  • My passion
  • My confidence
  • My cooking skills
  • Other

At what age did you feel the most confident?

At what age did you feel the most confident?
  • The age I am now
  • Teens
  • 20s
  • 30s
  • 40s
  • 50s

How often do you speak to your family?

How often do you speak to your family?
  • Daily
  • A few times a week
  • Every few weeks
  • Hardly ever
  • Other