83e0415Are You More Alpha Or Beta?Are you the alpha of your group or do you prefer to take a back seat? It's time to find out if you're more alpha or beta! Ready for the results? Take this quiz and find out!
Are you comfortable following?
Would you ever plan a vacation through a travel agent?
Of course!
No way, I like to do the planning.
Maybe, if I was short on time.
If you disagree with someone, are you often tempted to debate them?
Tempted? I always debate them!
Not really, everyone is entitled to an opinion.
It depends on the situation.
What's your power color?
None of these
What are your thoughts on public speaking?
It's the worst and I always avoid it.
I love being the center of attention!
It's okay, but it's not my favorite.
I don't like it but I'm great at it.
How many unread emails are in your inbox right now?