Do You Have What it Takes to Run Your Own Business?
84746db Do You Have What it Takes to Run Your Own Business? Do You Have What it Takes to Run Your Own Business? Do you have the talent, energy, enthusiasm, and expertise that it takes to go out on your own. Are you a born entrepreneur or are you better off as a loyal employee? Take this quiz to see if you have what it takes to run your own business.

What is your favorite time of day?

What is your favorite time of day?
  • Early morning
  • Lunch
  • Evening
  • None of these

When do you prefer to head home?

When do you prefer to head home?
  • 5 o clock
  • When my work is done
  • I could work all night
  • I don't know

Do you keep your promises?

Do you keep your promises?
  • Always
  • Most of the time
  • Sometimes
  • I don't know

Do you enjoy traveling for work?

Do you enjoy traveling for work?
  • Yes
  • I'd rather set up a conference call
  • Not at all
  • I don't know

Are you usually one of the first to try out the latest technology?

Are you usually one of the first to try out the latest technology?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I don't know

Do you prefer to come up with your own ideas or use the good ideas of others?

Do you prefer to come up with your own ideas or use the good ideas of others?
  • I am always coming up with my own ideas
  • I will use an idea if it works and come up with a new one if it doesn't
  • I prefer to use tried and true methods
  • I don't know

How successful are you with budgets?

How successful are you with budgets?
  • I follow them exactly
  • I use them as a guideline
  • I can't follow them at all
  • None of these

How comfortable are you in new situations?

How comfortable are you in new situations?
  • Very
  • Somewhat
  • Uncomfortable
  • I don't know

How do you feel about public speaking?

How do you feel about public speaking?
  • It frightens me
  • It excites me
  • I'll do it if I have to
  • I don't know

How often do you think about working for yourself?

How often do you think about working for yourself?
  • Every day
  • Pretty regurally
  • Every now and then
  • I don't know