Are You A Neat Freak?
855f5f6 Are You A Neat Freak? Are You A Neat Freak? Are you totally normal about being neat or are you a total neat freak? Take these 10 questions and find out just how much of a neat freak you are!

Have you ever yelled at a dinner guest for not using a coaster?

Have you ever yelled at a dinner guest for not using a coaster?
  • Yes I have
  • I try to sneak one under their drinks when not looking
  • I've advised, but I've never yelled
  • No way it's not a big deal
  • I don't even own coasters
  • Other

My handwriting tends to be _________.

My handwriting tends to be _________.
  • Sloppy and all over the place
  • Elegant and curvy
  • Neat and tidy
  • Large and loopy
  • Illegible
  • Other

In my fridge you will find _____________.

In my fridge you will find _____________.
  • A variety of old take out containers
  • Everything organized by type
  • Everything sorted by color
  • A bunch of food
  • Other

How many times per day do you wash your hands?

How many times per day do you wash your hands?
  • After I use the restroom
  • Before I eat
  • Like every hour

On average I mop the floors of my house ___________.

On average I mop the floors of my house ___________.
  • Daily
  • Twice a week
  • Once a week
  • Every other week
  • Wait, I'm supposed to mop the floors?

Good grammar is ___________.

Good grammar is ___________.
  • Vital and important
  • Valuable
  • Irrelevant
  • Not important

What's the best way to remove a grease stain?

What's the best way to remove a grease stain?
  • With baking soda and water
  • You don't remove a grease stain
  • I would just throw the item away and buy a new one

What are your thoughts on pets?

What are your thoughts on pets?
  • They're amazing companions
  • They shed like crazy
  • They bring dirt into the house
  • They are endless sources of joy
  • They belong outside
  • Other

My closet is organized by ________.

My closet is organized by ________.
  • Color
  • Season
  • Type
  • Nothing at all

Mr. Clean Magic Erasers are _________.

Mr. Clean Magic Erasers are _________.
  • More important to me than my spouse
  • The greatest invention of the 21st century
  • Useful
  • I don't know what you're talking about
  • Other