What Percent Marriage Material Are You?
860e6c3 What Percent Marriage Material Are You? What Percent Marriage Material Are You? Most of us would like to think that we're a pretty good catch. After all, who wouldn't marry us? Yet some of us might not be true marriage material. What percent marriage material are you? Would someone be lucky to see you at the end of the aisle? Let's unveil the truth!

Which word sums up your current relationship?

Which word sums up your current relationship?
  • Serious
  • Mysterious
  • Distant
  • Cool
  • Fulfilling

What is the best thing you bring to a relationship?

What is the best thing you bring to a relationship?
  • Communication
  • Honesty
  • Fun
  • Loyalty
  • Passion

Are you the type to hold a grudge?

Are you the type to hold a grudge?
  • I don't hold grudges very often.
  • It depends on the issue.
  • I hold a grudge like no one else.
  • Not really, I don't believe in grudges.

If your spouse had the flu, how would you help them?

If your spouse had the flu, how would you help them?
  • I'd send for take out.
  • I'd do anything they need me to.
  • I would avoid them so we both aren't sick.
  • I would make them homemade soup.
  • I would put on their favorite shows.

During an argument, your goal is to...

During an argument, your goal is to...
  • Be heard.
  • Win.
  • Stop arguing.
  • Hear the other side.
  • Make peace.

What do you think keeps marriages alive?

What do you think keeps marriages alive?
  • Talking to one another.
  • Keeping things exciting.
  • Never giving up.
  • Compromise.
  • Space.

Who is your marriage role model?

Who is your marriage role model?
  • My parents
  • My grandparents
  • My friends
  • A celebrity couple
  • I don't have one

How many serious relationships have you had?

How many serious relationships have you had?
  • Zero
  • One
  • Two
  • Three or more...

What do you think your occupation may have been in a former life?

What do you think your occupation may have been in a former life?
  • Therapist
  • Entertainer
  • Bartender
  • Teacher
  • Guru

Who would plan your wedding?

Who would plan your wedding?
  • I would to it.
  • My family.
  • A wedding planner.
  • I'm not sure.