How Positive Is Your Energy?
87cebd2 How Positive Is Your Energy? How Positive Is Your Energy? Energy has the ability to impact your world and the lives of others. But what kind of energy are you giving off? Is your energy as positive as you think? Some of us are like bright rays of light, illuminating everything. Do you give off the positive energy you think? Hit start to find out!

How would you spend your ideal Saturday night?

How would you spend your ideal Saturday night?
  • Leading a group meditation
  • Hitting up a new restaurant with pals
  • Watching a documentary
  • Going to a bar
  • Reading in my pajamas

What's the first thing you do when you walk into a room full of people?

What's the first thing you do when you walk into a room full of people?
  • Announce my presence
  • Wander around and mingle
  • Grab a drink and wait for someone to say hi
  • Immediately start chatting with friends
  • Head for the nearest corner

Which "Friends" character are you?

  • Chandler
  • Ross
  • Joey
  • Rachel
  • Monica
  • Phoebe

What would you do if the barista got your coffee order wrong?

What would you do if the barista got your coffee order wrong?
  • I wouldn't say a word
  • I would just drink it, who cares?
  • Ask them to make me a new one, while apologizing.
  • Demand a new one for free.
  • Talk to the manager.

What do you think is your best quality?

What do you think is your best quality?
  • My enthusiasm
  • My pragmatism
  • My kindness
  • My humor
  • My focus

What kind of old person do you think you'll be?

What kind of old person do you think you'll be?
  • A total curmudgeon
  • The kind that bakes cookies for my grandkids
  • The kind that hands out full size bars on Halloween
  • The one that drives really really slow
  • I have no idea

If someone cut you in line, your reaction would be to....

If someone cut you in line, your reaction would be to....
  • Just let it happen.
  • Shrug it off, it's one spot.
  • Call them out.
  • Cut them in line.
  • Make a scene.

Which emoji do you use most often?

Which emoji do you use most often?
  • Sunglasses face
  • Tongue out face
  • Thumbs up
  • Heart eyes
  • Side eye

If you could describe your personality as any season, it would be....

If you could describe your personality as any season, it would be....
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Winter
  • Fall

Do you often partake in gossip at work?

Do you often partake in gossip at work?
  • Yes, it helps pass the time.
  • Only when it's seriously juicy.
  • If it involves my nemesis.
  • I try to avoid that stuff.
  • No, I don't often believe what I hear.