Are You A Witch Or A Vampire?
899da5b Are You A Witch Or A Vampire? Are You A Witch Or A Vampire? With Halloween right around the corner, it's time to find out if you really go bump in the night! Are you really more like a witch or a vampire? Do you draw blood or cast spells? There's only one way to find out...start the quiz!

Do you feel as if you can read the thought of others?

Do you feel as if you can read the thought of others?
  • Yes, all the time.
  • Sometimes.
  • Nope, never.

You can cast a spell to gain anything in the world. What do you want?

You can cast a spell to gain anything in the world. What do you want?
  • Power
  • Love
  • Money

In high school, the other kids often described you as being quite....

In high school, the other kids often described you as being quite....
  • Weird/eccentric.
  • Passionate/over the top.
  • Mysterious/reserved.

When darkness falls you prefer _______ light to brighten the night.

When darkness falls you prefer _______ light to brighten the night.
  • Warm
  • Bright
  • Candle

You're on a first date. What do you want to know about your potential partner?

You're on a first date. What do you want to know about your potential partner?
  • Their religious beliefs.
  • What they do for a living.
  • If they're afraid of commitment.
  • Their favorite time of day.

When it comes to music, you're most drawn to the....

When it comes to music, you're most drawn to the....
  • Lyrics.
  • Beat.
  • Melody.

When you dream, is it in color or black and white?

When you dream, is it in color or black and white?
  • Color
  • Black and white.
  • I don't remember my dreams.

Which hobby sounds most appealing to you?

Which hobby sounds most appealing to you?
  • Herb gardening.
  • Baking.
  • Woodwork.
  • Home brewing.

Be honest, do you ever feel nostalgic for a time period you weren't around for?

Be honest, do you ever feel nostalgic for a time period you weren't around for?
  • All the time!
  • Sometimes...I have weird visions.
  • Nope, not at all.

Have you ever felt uncomfortable in a church?

Have you ever felt uncomfortable in a church?
  • Always, I loathe churches.
  • I have, but not often.
  • I feel at peace in a church.