Which 1980s Cartoon Character Are You?
89d5ef2 Which 1980s Cartoon Character Are You? Which 1980s Cartoon Character Are You? Which 1980s cartoon character are you? There are so many funny characters from this decade to pick from! All you need to do is answer these ten questions to find out which one you are the most like! What are you waiting for?

Which are you?

Which are you?
  • Man
  • Woman
  • Other

What age group do you belong in?

What age group do you belong in?
  • Child
  • Teen
  • Adult

Quick! A baby stroller is rolling intro traffic. What do you do?

Quick! A baby stroller is rolling intro traffic. What do you do?
  • Save the baby
  • Call for help
  • Do nothing

Are you clumsy?

Are you clumsy?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes

Spooky noises are coming from the bushes. What do you do?

Spooky noises are coming from the bushes. What do you do?
  • Investigate
  • Tell someone about the noises
  • Run away

If you were in a band, what would you be?

If you were in a band, what would you be?
  • Singer
  • Guitar/Bass
  • Drumer
  • Other

If you could have one of these super powers, which would you pick?

If you could have one of these super powers, which would you pick?
  • Mind-reading
  • Invisibility
  • Super Strength
  • Controlling the elements
  • I would not want a power, but money to make cool inventions

Are you brave?

Are you brave?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I am when I need to be

Are you selfish or selfless?

Are you selfish or selfless?
  • Selfish
  • Selfless
  • I am somewhere in the middle

How often do you eat snacks?

How often do you eat snacks?
  • Once a day
  • More than once a day
  • Less than once a day