What Ice Cream Suits You?
89f14f8 What Ice Cream Suits You? What Ice Cream Suits You? Are you like the unique mint chocolate chip or the beloved chocolate ice cream? Take this quiz to find out!

Pick a word that describes you best.

Pick a word that describes you best.
  • Cheery
  • Classy
  • Sweet
  • Bold
  • Laid back

Are you a big fan of ice cream?

Are you a big fan of ice cream?
  • I absolutely love it
  • I can enjoy it
  • I'm indifferent
  • I don't really like it
  • Not at all

Pick a dessert you'd eat besides ice cream.

Pick a dessert you'd eat besides ice cream.
  • Cookies
  • Brownies
  • Lemon squares
  • Pecan pie
  • Other

Which activity sounds the most fun to you?

Which activity sounds the most fun to you?
  • Reading
  • Cooking
  • Jogging
  • Watching tv
  • Other

What's one thing you'd change about yourself if you could?

What's one thing you'd change about yourself if you could?
  • Apperance
  • My career
  • My talents
  • My past
  • Other

Favorite color?

Favorite color?
  • Pink
  • Green
  • Brown
  • White
  • Other

Would you say you're extroverted or introverted?

Would you say you're extroverted or introverted?
  • Extroverted
  • Introverted
  • In between
  • I'm not sure

Worst character trait?

Worst character trait?
  • Too lazy
  • Too prideful
  • Too quiet
  • Too gullible
  • Other

Would you say you're hotheaded?

Would you say you're hotheaded?
  • I would say so
  • Not terribly hotheaded
  • I'm a small bit
  • Not at all

Pick the word that appeals to you most.

Pick the word that appeals to you most.
  • Vintage
  • Bubble
  • Spearmint
  • Childlike
  • Firepit