Are You Actually Too Negative?
8afde86 Are You Actually Too Negative? Are You Actually Too Negative? Life is often full of ups and downs, but are you a bit too negative even when things are going well? Do friends and family often brush you off as a cynic? Well, it's time to reveal the truth. Are you actually too negative? Let's find out!

How do you usually feel before you sleep?

How do you usually feel before you sleep?
  • Tired and ready to drift away.
  • Content, another happy day.
  • Anxious, tomorrow will be just like today.

First thing in the morning, you spill a cup of coffee on your work pants. What's your reaction?

First thing in the morning, you spill a cup of coffee on your work pants. What's your reaction?
  • "It's going to be another one of those days."
  • "Well, at least I wasn't driving."
  • "This would happen to me."

You took a test you got 7 out of 10. What do you think?

You took a test you got 7 out of 10. What do you think?
  • How unfair!
  • Not the worst, not the best.
  • I wish I had done better.

Your friend brought you a smoothie, but it's not your favorite flavor. Your reaction?

Your friend brought you a smoothie, but it's not your favorite flavor. Your reaction?
  • Ugh, why even bother.
  • What a nice gesture!
  • Well, I guess I can drink it...

It's a beautiful sunny day and you're stuck in traffic. You can't help but feel...

It's a beautiful sunny day and you're stuck in traffic. You can't help but feel...
  • As if the universe is against me.
  • Cheated out of a perfectly nice day.
  • Just fine, at least I'm alive and well!

When you see a glass of water, your mind perceives it as....

When you see a glass of water, your mind perceives it as....
  • Half empty
  • Half full
  • Just full enough

A friend needs help with a work assignment. Do you jump in?

A friend needs help with a work assignment. Do you jump in?
  • Yes, that's what friends or for.
  • No, I have my own work to do.
  • Maybe, but probably not.

How many times a week do you feel like the Universe or God is out to get you?

How many times a week do you feel like the Universe or God is out to get you?
  • Everyday.
  • 5/7
  • 3/7
  • Never

You feel overwhelmed and you need get stuff done. What are you thinking about?

You feel overwhelmed and you need get stuff done. What are you thinking about?
  • This is going to be a nightmare.
  • I just need to get it over with.
  • This will be fine, probably.

The waitress gives you a glass of water instead of soda. You..

The waitress gives you a glass of water instead of soda. You..
  • Complain to the manager.
  • Ask for another soda.
  • Drink the soda and the water.