What Kind Of Woman Are You?
8c131bd What Kind Of Woman Are You? What Kind Of Woman Are You? There are as many types of women as there are grains of sand on the beach but you DO fit a certain type. Take this quiz to reveal what kind of woman you are.

Do you consider yourself to have old-fashioned morals?

Do you consider yourself to have old-fashioned morals?
  • Yes
  • At times
  • No

Do you feel comfortable eating in public?

Do you feel comfortable eating in public?
  • Yes, I eat the same as I do in private
  • I tend to eat less in public
  • I don't eat in public

How many times a week do you wear a dress?

How many times a week do you wear a dress?
  • 0-3
  • 4-5
  • 6 or more

Did you have a happy childhood?

Did you have a happy childhood?
  • Yes
  • Somewhat
  • No

Do you prefer to wear your hair up or down?

Do you prefer to wear your hair up or down?
  • Up
  • Down
  • It depends on the day

You feel more comfortable _______.

You feel more comfortable _______.
  • Indoors
  • Outdoor

On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being "completely uninhibited", how comfortable are you with your private desires?

On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

IF you had the choice, you would prefer to live in the _____.

IF you had the choice, you would prefer to live in the _____.
  • Past
  • Present
  • Future

Which of the following colors is your favorite to wear?

Which of the following colors is your favorite to wear?
  • Yellow or Orange
  • Red or Black
  • Pink or Purple
  • Blue or Green
  • White or Taupe
  • None of these

Do you believe in magic?

Do you believe in magic?
  • Yes
  • No