Do You Have Strict Morals?
Do You Have Strict Morals?
Do you ever break the rules?
How often do you drink alcohol?

- At least every day
- Every other day
- Once a month
- Only on a special occasions
- Never
Do you do any recreational drugs?

- Of course
- Sometimes I do
- Rarely
- Never have and never will
Do you gamble frequently?

- All the time
- Sometimes
- No I don't
Have you ever committed a crime?

What's the worst crime you've committed?

- Murder
- Robbery
- Possession of drugs
- Speeding
- None
- Other
Do you ever tell lies?

- All the time
- Only white lies
- Of course not
Do you get into fights at all?

- All the time
- Sometimes I do
- Never
Can you ever be convinced to break the rules?

- Of course
- Only once in awhile
- Very rarely
- Never
Have you ever cheated?

- Yes I have
- I did just once
- Never
How do you feel about premarital sex?

- It's totally okay
- I love it
- It's wrong