What Is Your Good Habit?
What Is Your Good Habit?
What should you do more of to become happier?
Would you say you're a friendly person?

- Absolutely
- Somewhat
- Not really
What do you tend to do when you're stressed?

- Eat
- Let out my frustration on others
- Sleep
- Cry
- Other
How would you say life is treating you currently?

- Great
- Not too bad
- It could be better
How much exercise do you usually get?

- I exercise at least 3 times a week
- I work out sometimes
- I rarely if ever exercise
Do you have a creative outlet for your anger?

- Yes I do
- I wish I did
- No I don't
How would you describe yourself?

- Rebel
- Leader
- Observer
- Independent
- Other
Would you say your extroverted or introverted?

When do you feel happiest?

- When I'm surrounded by nature
- When I'm creating art
- When I'm talking to a loved one
- When I'm settling in for the day
- Other
Are you an animal lover?

Do you feel more at peace during the night or morning?