How Wise Beyond Your Years Are You?
9128fed How Wise Beyond Your Years Are You? How Wise Beyond Your Years Are You? Ever had someone tell you that you were "wise beyond your years?" Just how many years wiser than your age are you actually? Are you ten or fifteen years wiser than your age would imply? Perhaps, you're just on par with where you should be! If you're actually wise beyond your years, this quiz will tell all!

Which is most important to you right now?

Which is most important to you right now?
  • Success.
  • Character
  • Friendships
  • Family
  • Fulfillment

How would you describe your group of friends?

How would you describe your group of friends?
  • I have a few very close friends.
  • I have many friends, but not many close ones.
  • I have many acquaintances and a few good friends.
  • I don't have many friends.

When you first meet someone, what do you notice about them right away?

When you first meet someone, what do you notice about them right away?
  • Their body language.
  • Their eyes and smile.
  • Their style.
  • Their humor.
  • Their character.

Which is more important: justice or mercy?

Which is more important: justice or mercy?
  • Justice
  • Mercy
  • They're equally important.
  • Neither are important.

Which bothers you more?

Which bothers you more?
  • Unfairness.
  • Being lied to.
  • Being ignored.
  • Ignorance.
  • Gossip.

How do you feel after a day of hard work?

How do you feel after a day of hard work?
  • Proud and fulfilled.
  • Drained and exhausted.
  • Energized and ready for more.
  • Content and relaxed.

Do the ends in life always justify the means?

Do the ends in life always justify the means?
  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • Never

How would you go about learning a new skill?

How would you go about learning a new skill?
  • I would sign up for a class.
  • I would buy several books on the subject.
  • I'd watch YouTube tutorials.
  • I would find someone to teach me.
  • I would just try it on my own.

You and a friend make a bet on a sports game. What do you bet?

You and a friend make a bet on a sports game. What do you bet?
  • All the cash I have on hand.
  • The bill for dinner.
  • A round of drinks.
  • Bragging rights.
  • Something else.

Two of your friends are having a fight. What do you do about it?

Two of your friends are having a fight. What do you do about it?
  • Let them work it out on their own.
  • Try to mediate.
  • Judge both sides and choose one.
  • Help them see the other's point of view.
  • Avoid them until it's over.