What Would Your Friends Say At Your Friends Funeral?
93752d3 What Would Your Friends Say At Your Friends Funeral? What Would Your Friends Say At Your Friends Funeral? Who wants to think about death especially when there’s so much life to live? But death is inevitable and that's because humans aren’t invincible. Death is something that people have to face, whether we’d like to or not. Are you a good person? What would your friends say at your funeral?

What is your favorite thing to do?

What is your favorite thing to do?
  • Zip-lining and jumping out of airplanes
  • Be alone and secluded
  • Read a good book
  • Give to those that are needy
  • Nothing

What do you do in your free time?

What do you do in your free time?
  • Scuba dive
  • Call everyone that owes me money to collect
  • Attend a class about something new
  • Feed the homeless
  • Nothing

What do you do if you saw someone stealing food?

What do you do if you saw someone stealing food?
  • I would help them out! They probably really need it
  • I would call the police
  • Depends on the situation
  • I would buy the bread for them so they wouldn't have to steal it
  • I would mind my business and act like I don't see a thing

If you wont he lotto, what would you do?

If you wont he lotto, what would you do?
  • I would buy an airplane to bungee jump from
  • I would hire security and change my number. I wouldn't tell a soul
  • I would deposit it and start investing
  • I would give a big chunk to my favorite charity
  • I would keep it a secret and act like I didn't win
  • I'm not sure!

What was your senior superlative in school?

What was your senior superlative in school?
  • Most likely to bungee jump off of a skyscraper
  • Most likely to be the Grinch who stole Christmas
  • Most likely to be successful
  • Most likely to do mission work overseas
  • Most likely to be a scrooge
  • I didn't get a senior superlative/Don't remember

What is your favorite holiday?

What is your favorite holiday?
  • Halloween
  • None. I don't like holidays
  • I love all holidays
  • I don't like any holidays
  • Christmas

Where do you like to travel?

Where do you like to travel?
  • Anywhere I can zip-line and do crazy things while vacationing
  • My house so I get away from annoying people
  • Anywhere in the world! Every country has something beautiful to offer
  • Anywhere I can do mission work
  • Anywhere I can purchase discounted

What would you do if someone was talking badly about your friends?

What would you do if someone was talking badly about your friends?
  • I would punch them out
  • I would plot the ultimate revenge
  • I would tell my BFF who said it and when
  • I would ignore it. I'm not into the 'he said' or 'she said'
  • Nothing

What is your favorite style of clothing?

What is your favorite style of clothing?
  • Anything comfortable
  • Not too sure
  • Slacks and a freshly pressed shirt
  • Anything I can get free or from a Goodwill

What is your dream job?

What is your dream job?
  • To be a magician
  • Police Officer
  • Professor
  • I would manage my favorite charity
  • Not sure