How Long Would You Survive In A Forest?
93930f9 How Long Would You Survive In A Forest? How Long Would You Survive In A Forest? You might think you’re pretty wilderness savvy, but are you really? It’s time to find out how long you would survive in a forest!

Your plane just crash landed in the middle of a dense forest. You're the only survivor. What do you do first?

Your plane just crash landed in the middle of a dense forest. You're the only survivor. What do you do first?
  • Search the wreckage for any items of use
  • Try to get a cell phone signal to call for help
  • Clear the area immediately

How strong are your swimming skills?

How strong are your swimming skills?
  • I can doggy paddle with the best of them
  • I'm a strong swimmer
  • I'm a decent swimmer
  • I struggle with the whole swimming thing
  • Other

Night is quickly approaching and you need to build a shelter fast. Where do you build it?

Night is quickly approaching and you need to build a shelter fast. Where do you build it?
  • In a tree
  • On the forest floor
  • In the ground
  • In a clearing or opening
  • Other

As a child, what activity dod you partake in the most?

As a child, what activity dod you partake in the most?
  • Playing games
  • Playing my dolls or action figures
  • Climbing trees
  • Reading
  • Playing hide and seek

You're starting to get hungry. How do you hunt your food?

You're starting to get hungry. How do you hunt your food?
  • I build a slingshot
  • I build a spear
  • I build a bow and arrow
  • I throw rocks at animals
  • I forage instead for berries and edible plants
  • Other

What's your favorite "stranded" film?

What's your favorite
  • Cast Away
  • Life of Pi
  • Into the Wild
  • 127 Hours
  • Wild

There's a fast moving and rough river blocking your path to the other side. How do you cross the river?

There's a fast moving and rough river blocking your path to the other side. How do you cross the river?
  • I search for a potential land bridge or rock path
  • Build a makeshift raft out of sticks and leaves
  • Follow the river and hope for a point of crossing
  • Give up and cry
  • Other

How would you rate your fishing skills on a scale of 1-10?

How would you rate your fishing skills on a scale of 1-10?
  • 10
  • 7
  • 6
  • 4
  • 2

Would you be able to kill an animal if you were required to do so?

Would you be able to kill an animal if you were required to do so?
  • I'd do it but it'd be difficult
  • When it comes down to me or them I choose me
  • No way

Have you ever built a fire without the use of matches or a lighter?

Have you ever built a fire without the use of matches or a lighter?
  • On more than one occassion
  • I'm the firestarting master
  • I know at least 3 ways of starting a fire without matches
  • I'm not going to survive am I?