944d778What Is Your Medieval Career? Back in Medieval times, things weren't quite what they are today! If you were born in this time period, what would your career have been? Are you destined for a position of power or will you be a common peasant? Take these quiz questions and find out !
How spiritual would you say you are?
Very spiritual
Somewhat spiritual
Not spiritual at all
Prefer not to say
Are you more of a leader or a follower?
Total follower
Total leader
Somewhat more of a follower
Somewhat more of a leader
What kind of art do you find most appealing?
I don't like art!
How good are you with numbers?
I'm excellent with numbers!
I'm okay with numbers.
I'm not very good with numbers.
What are numbers?
Do you enjoy working with your hands?
I love working with my hands!
I enjoy it from time to time.
What am I, a peasant?
I can take it or leave it.
How much do you enjoy reading?
Reading is my life, I love getting lost in a good book!
Reading is nice, but it's not my favorite.
I don't really like to read.
Reading is boring!
How would you describe your family's financial background?