Which Disney Princess Are You?
95a328c Which Disney Princess Are You? Which Disney Princess Are You? There’s a princess-loving little girl in all of us. Find out which princess matches your personality!

Choose a place.

Choose a place.
  • The mountains
  • A big city
  • A museum
  • The zoo
  • My jogging trail

Your dream guy is:

Your dream guy is:
  • I'm not looking for that right now.
  • Soft-spoken with a flair for romance
  • Passionate and hard-working
  • Strong and fiercely protective of me
  • Dedicated and selfless

What's your favorite thing about yourself?

What's your favorite thing about yourself?
  • My smarts
  • My independence
  • My gentle spirit
  • My kindness
  • I don't like thinking about that kind of thing. It seems vain.

Choose a drink.

Choose a drink.
  • Red wine
  • Pink lemonade
  • Beer
  • Tea
  • Soda

Pick an animal.

Pick an animal.
  • Cat
  • Dog
  • Bird
  • Horse
  • Gerbil

Choose an element.

Choose an element.
  • Fire
  • Earth
  • Water
  • Air
  • Light

Choose a color.

Choose a color.
  • Pink
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Red
  • Yellow

What's your favorite kind of book to read?

What's your favorite kind of book to read?
  • Scifi/Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Non-fiction
  • Any kind of fiction
  • I don't read much

Which one sums up your social life?

Which one sums up your social life?
  • I don't get out much.
  • I have a few close friends I have fun with.
  • I have a pretty big group of people I associate with.

Would you rather:

Would you rather:
  • Spend one night alone in a haunted castle
  • Go on a blind date
  • Move to a new city all by yourself