What’s Your True Druid Name?
9799909 What’s Your True Druid Name? What’s Your True Druid Name? In Celtic tradition, the Druids practiced a faith that even preceded the arrival of Christianity in Britain and Ireland. Druidism seeks to honor the many gods and goddesses, all while valuing the sacredness of all life. If you had a druid name, what would it be? Answer these 10 quiz questions and find your true Druid identity!

Which sacred animal do you value most?

Which sacred animal do you value most?
  • Raven
  • Serpent
  • Seal
  • Owl
  • Cat

If you could work in any of these industries, which would you choose?

If you could work in any of these industries, which would you choose?
  • Tourism
  • Education
  • Military
  • Retail
  • Medicine

What would you describe your ideal home?

What would you describe your ideal home?
  • Cozy and warm
  • Bright and well-lit
  • Modern and sleek
  • Eccentric and interesting

With which hand do you write?

With which hand do you write?
  • My right hand.
  • My left hand.
  • I can write with either.

Which type of tree are you drawn to?

Which type of tree are you drawn to?
  • Oak
  • Elm
  • Maple
  • Willow
  • Sycamore

When you need to get somewhere, you almost always...

When you need to get somewhere, you almost always...
  • Drive
  • Walk
  • Take the bus
  • Ride the train
  • Hail a cab

If you could go back in time safely, what period would you like to visit?

If you could go back in time safely, what period would you like to visit?
  • The Renaissance era
  • The Classical period
  • Ancient Greece
  • Ancient Rome
  • The Egyptian era

What was your favorite thing to do growing up?

What was your favorite thing to do growing up?
  • Play pretend
  • Read books
  • Explore outside
  • Play video games
  • Cast spells

How often would you travel if money were no object?

How often would you travel if money were no object?
  • Once a year.
  • Once a season.
  • Every six months.
  • Every week!

You're given a protective rune. Where do you keep it?

You're given a protective rune. Where do you keep it?
  • In my car.
  • In my bag or wallet.
  • I give it to a friend.
  • I display it in my home.
  • I'm not sure.