What Is Your Craziest Fantasy?
What Is Your Craziest Fantasy?
What something that you want to that is absolutely crazy?
Is this a fantasy that could ever come true?

- It's impossible
- It'll most likely never happen
- It could happen
How are you feeling right now?

- Sad
- Happy
- Curious
- Bored
- Stressed
- Other
Which of the following do you spend more time doing?

- Reading
- Watching TV
- Exercising
- Socializing
- Relaxing
What do you wish you had more time to do?

- Spend time with family
- Meet new people
- Exercise and look after myself
- Having some alone time
What do you believe is most important in life?

- Exploring
- Enjoy the time we have
- Being successful
- Being surrounded by loved ones
Do you ever daydream about your favorite TV shows or movies?

- Yes I do actually
- Sometimes I do
- Not really
What do you believe happiness is?

- Being at peace
- Something you can't buy
- Loving others
- Enjoying the moment
How would you describe yourself?

- Heroic
- Lucky
- Ambitious
- Imaginative
- Curious
Would you ever travel back in time if possible?

- Definitely
- I'm unsure
- No I wouldn't
Would you say you are happy with your life currently?

- Not at all
- Sometimes I am
- Yes I am