Could You Actually Live Alone?
98622ba Could You Actually Live Alone? Could You Actually Live Alone? Some people are lone wolves made for a solitary life. Others need to be around people as much as possible! Are you the type of person who could actually live alone? Would life without a roommate drive you crazy? Let's find out with this revealing quiz!

Would you say you're a rather forgetful person?

Would you say you're a rather forgetful person?
  • Yes, very.
  • Somewhat.
  • Nope, never.

It's a Friday night and your co-workers have invited you out. What's your answer?

It's a Friday night and your co-workers have invited you out. What's your answer?
  • I'll be there with bells on.
  • I might come out if I feel like it.
  • That's a no from me.

When it comes to dishes, you tend to wash them...

When it comes to dishes, you tend to wash them...
  • As soon as a dirty them.
  • Once a day.
  • When they start to pile up.

When it comes to space, you always like to have...

When it comes to space, you always like to have...
  • Just enough space to not feel cramped.
  • Lots of extra space for my belongings.
  • As little space as possible, I'm efficient.

If you heard a knock on the door and no one else was there...What would you do?

If you heard a knock on the door and no one else was there...What would you do?
  • Hide under the covers, could be a burglar.
  • Answer the door.
  • Peer out a window or peep hole before answering.

It's been a long day and you're in need of some dinner. What are you most likely to do?

It's been a long day and you're in need of some dinner. What are you most likely to do?
  • Order some takeout.
  • Meet a friend.
  • Whip something up in the kitchen.

Most of the time, being around other people makes you feel...

Most of the time, being around other people makes you feel...
  • Totally drained.
  • Invigorated.
  • Neutral.

Which sounds like the perfect Sunday to you?

Which sounds like the perfect Sunday to you?
  • Curling up with a good book and my pet.
  • Hitting the farmer's market.
  • Meeting a friend for Brunch.

People are most likely to describe you as...

People are most likely to describe you as...
  • An open book.
  • A locked vault.
  • A total mystery.

Are you someone who falls asleep with a TV on?

Are you someone who falls asleep with a TV on?
  • Yes, always.
  • Sometimes.
  • No, I like silence.