Is Your Personality More Like Tom Or Jerry?
994ae84 Is Your Personality More Like Tom Or Jerry? Is Your Personality More Like Tom Or Jerry? Every personality is either more like Tom or Jerry, but are you the cat or the mouse in the game of life? With just 10 quiz questions, we'll discover whether or not your personality is more like Tom or Jerry. In this cat and mouse game, we can't all be everything!

When you speak, are you more loud or quiet?

When you speak, are you more loud or quiet?
  • I speak very softly.
  • I have a loud booming voice.
  • It depends on my mood.

How would you describe your humor?

How would you describe your humor?
  • Clever
  • Quick
  • Dry

Which texture is most appealing to you?

Which texture is most appealing to you?
  • Smooth
  • Bumpy
  • Rough

When do you feel the most bored?

When do you feel the most bored?
  • When I'm by myself.
  • When I'm with others.
  • I feel bored all the time!

What's your mood like when you're hungry?

What's your mood like when you're hungry?
  • Angry
  • Sluggish
  • Happy

Are you more perceptive or creative?

Are you more perceptive or creative?
  • Perceptive
  • Creative
  • It depends on the day.

How might a stranger describe you on first glance?

How might a stranger describe you on first glance?
  • Strange
  • Cheeky
  • Fun

What time of day are you most active?

What time of day are you most active?
  • Early morning.
  • Afternoon.
  • Evening.
  • Late at night.

At a table outfitted with a delicious spread, you always head straight for...

At a table outfitted with a delicious spread, you always head straight for...
  • Dessert
  • Cheese
  • Wine

What are your thoughts on dogs?

What are your thoughts on dogs?
  • They're the best.
  • Take em or leave em.
  • They're not my favorite.