Where Did You Live In Your Past Life?
Where Did You Live In Your Past Life?
Out of all the places in the world, where did you live?
Are you someone who follows the rules?

- Of course
- No I don't
- It depends
What could you not live without?

- Family
- Romance
- Alcohol
- Something other than these
Can you stand to do work under someone?

- No but I have to get use to it
- I do not mind it
- I hate it
Which of these places is at the top of your bucket list?

- Santorini
- Cario
- Moscow
- Korea
- Other
Pick a food to eat

- Salad
- Sushi
- Caviar
- Hummus
How many foreign languages do you know?

- At least 1
- A couple
- None at all
Would you prefer living in a cold or hot climate?

- Cold
- Hot
- I don't mind either way
Where do you live now?

- In the suburbs
- In the city
- Real area
- In a small town
Which would you rather read a book about?

- Politics
- Philosophy
- Art
- Woodworking
Which is most important to you?

- Tradition
- Individuality
- Determination
- Politics