Is Your Relationship Going To Last?
9eca91c Is Your Relationship Going To Last? Is Your Relationship Going To Last? Is it meant to be?

How often do you two argue?

How often do you two argue?
  • At least every day
  • Every once in awhile
  • Rarely if ever

Has your partner ever cheated on you?

Has your partner ever cheated on you?
  • Yes they have
  • No they haven't

Have you ever cheated on your partner?

Have you ever cheated on your partner?
  • Yes I have
  • No I haven't

How physical are you and your partner?

How physical are you and your partner?
  • We're very physical
  • We're only physical during sex
  • We're never physical

How often do you two talk during the week?

How often do you two talk during the week?
  • Basically every day
  • We talk quite a good amount
  • We hardly talk

When was the last time you went on a date?

When was the last time you went on a date?
  • Sometime this week
  • A few weeks ago
  • I don't even remember

Do you two communicate well?

Do you two communicate well?
  • Yes we do
  • For the most part we do
  • Not really

Are you comfortable sharing everything?

Are you comfortable sharing everything?
  • Of course
  • Not everything
  • Not at all

Does your partner encourage you to follow your dreams?

Does your partner encourage you to follow your dreams?
  • Yes they do
  • For the most part
  • No they don't

Do you feel happy in your relationship?

Do you feel happy in your relationship?
  • Of course
  • No I don't
  • I do for the most part