Which Chemical Dominates Your Unique Personality?
9f0354f Which Chemical Dominates Your Unique Personality? Which Chemical Dominates Your Unique Personality? Do you know which chemical dominates your unique personality? Are you more driven by serotonin or dopamine? Maybe you're driven by estrogen? Take these 10 questions to find out what moves you!

How do you define risk?

How do you define risk?
  • Something with little pay off
  • Something that could go horribly awry
  • Something to panic about

Where do you draw inspiration from?

Where do you draw inspiration from?
  • My family/friends
  • Nature
  • Television/movies
  • My work

How often do you feel guilty about making unhealthy choices?

How often do you feel guilty about making unhealthy choices?
  • Everytime I make an unhealthy choice
  • When I indulge in bad food
  • I never feel guilty

How do you like to escape from reality?

How do you like to escape from reality?
  • Through music
  • By taking a long hot bath
  • By immersing myself in a book

Do you find it difficult to receive love?

Do you find it difficult to receive love?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes

What stresses you out the most?

What stresses you out the most?
  • Work
  • Money issues
  • Feeling low on time
  • The future

Do you generally like or dislike crowds?

Do you generally like or dislike crowds?
  • I don't mind crowds
  • I hate crowds
  • It depends on my mood

What defines a leader in your opinion?

What defines a leader in your opinion?
  • Someone with wisdom and strength
  • Someone with compassion
  • Someone who knows what they want

What's the last thing you think about before bed each night?

What's the last thing you think about before bed each night?
  • What I have to do tomorrow
  • Everything I'm grateful for
  • All of the things that happened throughout the day

What age range do you fall into?

What age range do you fall into?
  • 60s
  • 50s
  • 40s
  • 30s