What Type Of Spouse Are You?
AE357B6 What Type Of Spouse Are You? What Type Of Spouse Are You? You might think you know what type of spouse you are, but do you really? Are you an unpredictable spouse or an emotional spouse? Take these 10 questions and find out!

Who does most of the cooking, you or your spouse?

Who does most of the cooking, you or your spouse?
  • I do
  • My spouse does
  • We share the responsibility

There's only one slice of pizza left, who gets it, you or your spouse?

There's only one slice of pizza left, who gets it, you or your spouse?
  • I do
  • My spouse does
  • We split it in half

You'll be spending a weekend with your in-laws. You're...

You'll be spending a weekend with your in-laws. You're...
  • Looking forward to it
  • Determined to stay positive
  • Dreading it
  • Plotting an "illness"

It's your spouse's birthday. What are you going to get them?

It's your spouse's birthday. What are you going to get them?
  • A very special gift that I've been planning for weeks
  • Whatever they asked for
  • Something sexy
  • I planned a fun day out for them

Which side of the bed do you typically sleep on?

Which side of the bed do you typically sleep on?
  • Left
  • Right
  • We switch it up

Who's more likely to break the family budget, you or your spouse?

Who's more likely to break the family budget, you or your spouse?
  • Me
  • My spouse
  • It depends on the month

When you have an argument, you're usually the one to...

When you have an argument, you're usually the one to...
  • Apologize first
  • Say the last word
  • Stay mad the longest
  • Try and compromise

What genre of movie do you and your spouse typically watch together?

What genre of movie do you and your spouse typically watch together?
  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • Horror
  • Action
  • Documentary

How often do you worry about your weight?

How often do you worry about your weight?
  • All the time
  • Every now and then
  • Never

How passive aggressive are you when it comes to an argument?

How passive aggressive are you when it comes to an argument?
  • Very
  • Somewhat
  • Not passive aggressive at all