How Much Should You Actually Earn?
COAMMXK How Much Should You Actually Earn? How Much Should You Actually Earn? We all wish we could be making more money. Based on how hard of a worker you are and how good you are at your job, take this quiz to see what your paycheck should actually say!

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most satisfied you can be, how much do you like your job?

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most satisfied you can be, how much do you like your job?
  • 1-5
  • 6-8
  • 9-10

How often do you stay at work late or get in early?

How often do you stay at work late or get in early?
  • Almost every day
  • Maybe once a week
  • A few times a month
  • I'd never do that unless asked to.

Do you participate in company picnics, happy hours, or other events?

Do you participate in company picnics, happy hours, or other events?
  • I organize them!
  • Yes, all the time
  • If they work out with my schedule
  • Nah, not really my thing

Did you always want to have the job you have right now?

Did you always want to have the job you have right now?
  • Yes!
  • No.
  • No, but my job now is closely related to the job I've always wanted.

What kind of degree did you need for the position you currently hold?

What kind of degree did you need for the position you currently hold?
  • High school/Some college degree
  • Bachleors
  • Masters
  • PhD

Are you Facebook friends with your coworkers?

Are you Facebook friends with your coworkers?
  • Yes, all of them.
  • Some of them.
  • No, I separate work and personal life.

Does your boss personally know who you are?

Does your boss personally know who you are?
  • Yes
  • No

Have you ever gotten special recognition for your hard work, such as a pay raise or employee of the month award?

Have you ever gotten special recognition for your hard work, such as a pay raise or employee of the month award?
  • Yes, several times
  • Yes, and I'm very proud of myself
  • No, but I think I should be recognized
  • Nah, I'm not one of those hard working guppies

You're at a family dinner when your phone vibrates. The Caller ID shows that it's your boss. What do you do?

You're at a family dinner when your phone vibrates. The Caller ID shows that it's your boss. What do you do?
  • Ignore the call, then call back later.
  • Ignore the call, but immediately shoot him/her a text saying that your'e at dinner.
  • Excuse yourself from the table and answer the call.

What's the first question you ask a stranger about him or herself?

What's the first question you ask a stranger about him or herself?
  • Where do you live?
  • What do you like to do for fun?
  • What do you do for a living?