Who Is Your Halloween Alter Ego?
CkUUhBg Who Is Your Halloween Alter Ego? Who Is Your Halloween Alter Ego? Do you think you know who your creepy Halloween alter ego would be? Are you Norman Bates on the flip side or Dracula? Take this quiz and find out!

As a child, what did you fear the most?

As a child, what did you fear the most?
  • Strangers
  • The dark
  • Closet dwelling monsters
  • Getting in trouble
  • Nightmares

Do you consider yourself to be confrontational?

Do you consider yourself to be confrontational?
  • If it is beneficial
  • If it's necessary
  • I'm very non confrontational
  • It depends on the situation

What is your relationship with your family like?

What is your relationship with your family like?
  • We're very close
  • We're kind of tight
  • We talk every now and then
  • I hate my family
  • What family?

When it comes to blood, are you squeamish?

When it comes to blood, are you squeamish?
  • Only if it's someone else's blood
  • Only if it's my blood
  • I don't mind blood at all
  • Nothing affects me

What is your favorite scary Halloween movie?

What is your favorite scary Halloween movie?
  • Halloween
  • Carrie
  • The Shining
  • Psycho
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street

What is your favorite time of day?

What is your favorite time of day?
  • Night
  • Morning
  • Afternoon
  • Dusk

Are you light footed or quite heavy footed?

Are you light footed or quite heavy footed?
  • Light footed
  • Heavy footed
  • Depends on how hard I'm trying

What is your go to Halloween costume?

What is your go to Halloween costume?
  • Vampire
  • Witch
  • Zombie
  • Movie Star
  • Devil

What do you typically do on Halloween night?

What do you typically do on Halloween night?
  • Watch scary movies
  • Attend a costume party
  • Hand out candy
  • Trick or treat with the kids
  • Plan an amazing prank

Be honest, have you ever watched another person sleep?

Be honest, have you ever watched another person sleep?
  • Once or twice
  • Only my children
  • No comment
  • Never