How Relaxed Are You?
G9PjdpB How Relaxed Are You? How Relaxed Are You? Do you feel utter peace no matter what you do?

What do you usually daydream about?

What do you usually daydream about?
  • I reminisce about the past
  • About an exciting event coming up
  • About what the future will hold

How many hours of sleep do you usually get?

How many hours of sleep do you usually get?
  • Less than 6 hours
  • 6-7 hours
  • 8-9 hours
  • 10 hours or more

Which would you say are?

Which would you say are?
  • Optimistic
  • Realistic
  • Pessimistic

What would be a good break away for you?

What would be a good break away for you?
  • Exploring the culture and history of a city
  • A vacation somewhere tropical
  • Camping somewhere in a cabin
  • I'm not sure

How do you feel about relationships?

How do you feel about relationships?
  • I've had my heart broken so I'm not interested right now
  • I'm just casually dating right now
  • I'm in a loving relationship

Do you look at the big picture or the smaller details?

Do you look at the big picture or the smaller details?
  • The big picture
  • The smaller details

Are you able to laugh at yourself?

Are you able to laugh at yourself?
  • Absolutely
  • It depends on the situation
  • No I can't

Are you able to accept things that are beyond your control?

Are you able to accept things that are beyond your control?
  • Yes I am
  • I struggle with it sometimes
  • No I'm not

Are you happy with your life right now?

Are you happy with your life right now?
  • I'm perfectly content
  • I'm pretty happy with it
  • I'm not very happy with it

Would you say you stress easily over small details?

Would you say you stress easily over small details?
  • Of course I do
  • Not usually
  • No I don't