Who Is Your Greek God Parent?
Who Is Your Greek God Parent?
Which mythical God watches over you?
What do you usually do when you're angry?

- I start a fight
- I get really quiet
- I try to figure out a way to solve the problems that are making me angry
- I do an activity to calm down
- Other
Have you always been faithful to your lovers?

- Without a doubt
- I haven't been once or twice
- I've been unfaithful plenty of times
Are you one to get revenge on someone?

- Absolutely
- Only if they've really done something wrong
- I would never get revenge
How are you around crowds?

- I get nervous around people
- It depends on the situation
- I love being around people
Do you consider yourself a leader?

- Yes I do
- Not at all
- I'm not sure
Choose an element:

- Water
- Fire
- Earth
- Light
- Other
What are you afraid of?

- Drowning
- Losing someone you love
- Death
- Darkness
- Other
What quality is more important to you?

- Love
- Optimism
- Honesty
- Strength
- Diligence
Would you say your life has been difficult?

- Absolutely
- Not too difficult
- I would say it's been fairly easy
Are you a stubborn person?

- Absolutely
- I can be depending on circumstances
- Not really