Can We Guess Your Evening Habit?
Can We Guess Your Evening Habit?
What's something you love to do before bed?
When do you usually fall asleep?

- 6 PM
- 7-8Pm
- 9-10PM
- 11PM-12AM
- 1AM or later
Is your day usually stressful?

- Very stressful
- Sometimes it is
- Not at all
Are you close with your family?

- Very close
- We're pretty close
- Not at all
How many times a week do you exercise?

- Never
- 1-2 times a week
- 3-4 times a week
- 5-6 times a week
- I work out everyday
Are you addicted to technology?

- Yes I am
- Yes but I try not to be
- Not at all
Would you consider yourself a busy person?

- Yes I would
- It depends
- Not usually
Do you have any children?

Do you feel at peace in the evening?

- Definitely
- Sometimes I do
- No I don't
Are you a early bird or a night owl?

Do you sleep alone?

- Yes I do
- No I don't
- Sometimes I do