What Percent Grandma Are You?
a1c5629 What Percent Grandma Are You? What Percent Grandma Are You? Everyone's got a little bit of Grandma in them, but what percent Grandma are you really? Take these 10 quiz questions and discover exactly how much Grandma you've really got in you! The results might just shock you!

How many pairs of flannel pajamas do you own?

How many pairs of flannel pajamas do you own?
  • One pair
  • Two pairs
  • Three pairs
  • Four pairs or more
  • I don't own any

When's the last time you used a VHS player?

When's the last time you used a VHS player?
  • A decade ago
  • A few days ago
  • A few months ago
  • A few years ago

What do you complain about most often?

What do you complain about most often?
  • The cost of groceries
  • Young people
  • Traffic
  • Television
  • The weather

It's Monday evening and you're leaving work. Where do you go?

It's Monday evening and you're leaving work. Where do you go?
  • To happy hour of course!
  • To meet some friends for dinner.
  • To the gym.
  • Home to watch some television.
  • Straight to bed.

How often do you bake?

How often do you bake?
  • Never
  • Hardly ever
  • When it's a special occassion
  • Once a week
  • Daily

Would you ever go out without a coat on?

Would you ever go out without a coat on?
  • Of course, I do this all the time!
  • No way, that's how you catch a cold.
  • It depends on the temperature.

You have a doctors appointment at 11 AM. What time do you arrive?

You have a doctors appointment at 11 AM. What time do you arrive?
  • 10:30 AM
  • 10:45 AM
  • 11:00 AM
  • 11:05 AM

How many cups of coffee do you drink per day?

How many cups of coffee do you drink per day?
  • Just one
  • Two
  • Three
  • Four
  • I lose count around 5

What's wrong with kids today?

What's wrong with kids today?
  • They've got no ambition.
  • They're too consumed by electronics.
  • They don't respect their elders.
  • They don't value money!
  • They're too coddled.

Have you bought a new kitchen appliance in the last six months?

Have you bought a new kitchen appliance in the last six months?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I can't remember...