Can We Guess Your Most Common Dream?
Can We Guess Your Most Common Dream?
What do you usually dream about when you sleep?
How do you usually remember your dreams?

- They're usually abstract
- In first person
- In third person
- I don't remember
Do you usually have pleasant dreams or nightmares?

- Pleasant dreams
- Nightmares
- I'm not sure
What do you usually feel during your dreams?

- Fear
- Anger
- Excitement
- Embarrassment
- Other
Are you ever aggressive in your dreams?

- Absolutely
- Sometimes I am
- Not usually
Which of these do you usually see in your dreams?

- Clouds
- Blood or violence
- A huge crowd
- Love or sex
- Other
Do you ever lucid dream?

- Yes I do
- Sometimes I do
- No I don't
How do you usually feel after you wake up from your dream?

- Angry
- Dejected
- Confused
- Afraid
- Embarrassed
- I'm not sure
Is there ever a lot of violence in your dreams?

- All the time
- Sometimes
- I wouldn't say so
How do you deal with stress?

- I seek guidance
- I bottle it up
- I take it out on someone
- I face it head on
- Other
How long do you usually sleep?

- Less than 6 hours
- 7 hours
- 8 hours
- 9 hours
- 10 or more hours