Which 70s Toy Are You?
a3b8f92 Which 70s Toy Are You? Which 70s Toy Are You? Which nostalgic toy do you happen to be?

Which activity did you like to do most as a child?

Which activity did you like to do most as a child?
  • Draw pictures
  • Ride bikes
  • Play dollhouse
  • Play pranks
  • Other

What would you say you were like as a child?

What would you say you were like as a child?
  • Rambunctious
  • Creative
  • Intelligent
  • Curious
  • Friendly
  • Other

Are you energetic?

Are you energetic?
  • Absolutely
  • Not at all
  • It depends

Would you say you were popular as a child?

Would you say you were popular as a child?
  • Not at all
  • I was somewhat
  • Yes I was

Do you prefer indoors or outdoors?

Do you prefer indoors or outdoors?
  • Indoors
  • Outdoors

How are you with solving difficult problems?

How are you with solving difficult problems?
  • I'm great at it
  • I'm not too bad at it
  • I'm not the best with it

Are you competitive?

Are you competitive?
  • Absolutely
  • It depends
  • Not really

How would you describe yourself?

How would you describe yourself?
  • Girly
  • Imaginative
  • Fearless
  • Clever
  • Intelligent

Do you care what others think about you?

Do you care what others think about you?
  • Not at all
  • Sometimes I do
  • Yes I do

Do you get scared easily?

Do you get scared easily?
  • Very easily
  • Not really
  • Not at all