What's Your World War II Job?
a4c407d What's Your World War II Job? What's Your World War II Job? World War II was a time for the country to band together and help the efforts abroad through various jobs! Do you know what job you would have had during the World War II era? Would you have played a vital role? Let's find out!

What gender are you?

What gender are you?
  • Male
  • Female
  • I'd prefer not to say

Could you pass a physical?

Could you pass a physical?
  • If I had a few weeks notice
  • I could pass a physical right now
  • I'm not so sure at this point
  • I'd probably pass

Are you prone to telling little white lies?

Are you prone to telling little white lies?
  • Yes
  • No
  • How do you know if I'm telling the truth?

Which job sounds the worst to you?

Which job sounds the worst to you?
  • Farmer
  • Teacher
  • Nurse
  • Retail associate
  • Waitstaff

What's your greatest mental strength?

What's your greatest mental strength?
  • Numbers
  • Problem solving
  • Empathy
  • Logic
  • Creativity

How many languages do you speak?

How many languages do you speak?
  • Just my native language
  • Two languages
  • Three languages
  • Four languages

How strong are you physically?

How strong are you physically?
  • I can lift 10-20 pounds
  • I can lift 30-40 pounds
  • I can lift 50-60 pounds
  • I can lift more than 60 pounds

Have you ever fired a gun?

Have you ever fired a gun?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I can't remember

What would you grow in your victory garden?

What would you grow in your victory garden?
  • Lettuce and tomatoes
  • Potatoes and carrots
  • Corn and radishes
  • I'm not a green thumb

Do you have a weak stomach?

Do you have a weak stomach?
  • I have an iron stomach
  • I have a weak stomach
  • It's touch and go