What Do People Think Of You?
What Do People Think Of You?
Everyone has an opinion but what do they think of you?
What do you think is your best feature?

- My wisdom
- My kindness
- My bravery
- My ambition
- No clue
How do you feel around other people?

- I get nervous around them
- It depends on the situation
- I'm usually fine around people
- I'm confident around others
What does life mean to you?

- A continuous search for happiness
- An illusion
- An adventure
- I'm not too sure
Which word best describes you?

- Wise
- Big-hearted
- Confident
- Shy
- Determined
Do you usually tell others your secrets?

- Yes I wear my heart on my sleeve
- It depends on the person
- Never
What do you want most out of life?

- Peace
- Happiness
- Experiences
- Success
- I don't really know
What type of people do you hate most?

- Arrogant people
- Selfish people
- Cowards
- Bubbly people
- Lazy people
- Other
What would you say your weakness is?

- My arrogance
- I can be overbearing
- I can come off cocky
- I'm too quiet sometimes
- I'm not sure
What do you usually do in a crisis?

- Freak out
- Remain optimistic
- Stay calm and focused
- Look for ways out
- Other
Do you embrace the unknown?

- I approach with caution
- Of course I do
- I don't even try