Can We Guess How Many Friends You Have?
a5ff956 Can We Guess How Many Friends You Have? Can We Guess How Many Friends You Have? Some people attract new friends everywhere they go. Others are happy with one or two close buddies. Take this quiz to see if we can guess how many friends you have.

How often do you text?

How often do you text?
  • All day and night
  • Occasionally
  • Rarely
  • I don't know

How do you feel in crowds?

How do you feel in crowds?
  • Frightened
  • Energized
  • A little nervous, but I am ok after awhile
  • I don't know

When you act goofy you are...

When you act goofy you are...
  • Usually in a large crowd
  • With one or two people that I feel comfortable with
  • By myself

Do you classes during the week?

Do you classes during the week?
  • Yes, my social calendar is full
  • Yes, with the same people that I like to associate with
  • No
  • I don't know

What is the wallpaper of your cellphone?

What is the wallpaper of your cellphone?
  • A beautiful sunset
  • My most recent girls trip
  • My family
  • Some random strangers I met in a bar
  • None of these

Do you talk to strangers?

Do you talk to strangers?
  • All of the time
  • If they talk to me first
  • Never
  • I don't know

How many people can make you laugh?

How many people can make you laugh?
  • Everybody can make me laugh
  • A few people who get me
  • Nobody
  • I don't know

Have you ever eaten in a restaurant by yourself?

Have you ever eaten in a restaurant by yourself?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I don't know

Who did you last vacation with?

Who did you last vacation with?
  • Myself
  • My group of friends
  • My family
  • I don't know

Have you ever been a bridesmaid?

Have you ever been a bridesmaid?
  • More times than I care to admit
  • A few times
  • No
  • I don't know