How Los Angeles Are You?
a692484 How Los Angeles Are You? How Los Angeles Are You? Los Angeles natives are known for their love of surf, sun, and relaxing. Do you think you could fit in to this laid back city? Take these 10 questions and find out just how Los Angeles you are!

What do you find the most annoying?

What do you find the most annoying?
  • Traffic
  • Bad weather
  • People with kids
  • Tourists
  • Urban sprawl

How do you feel about the rain?

How do you feel about the rain?
  • It's relaxing
  • It's apocalyptic
  • It's annoying
  • I'm indifferent

Have you ever driven a long distance to a gym in order to run on the treadmill?

Have you ever driven a long distance to a gym in order to run on the treadmill?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I can't remember

About how long is your daily commute?

About how long is your daily commute?
  • Under 15 minutes
  • 20-30 minutes
  • 45-60 minutes
  • Way too long

Do you naturally tan or naturally burn?

Do you naturally tan or naturally burn?
  • Tan
  • Burn
  • It's a mixed bag

How many time have you been to Las Vegas?

How many time have you been to Las Vegas?
  • Never
  • Once
  • Twice
  • More times than I can count

Gas prices seem totally.....

Gas prices seem totally.....
  • Outrageous
  • Fair
  • Reasonable

What kind of takeout are you ordering on a Friday night?

What kind of takeout are you ordering on a Friday night?
  • Pizza
  • Chinese
  • Mexican
  • Sushi
  • Burgers and fries

How would you describe yourself in one word?

How would you describe yourself in one word?
  • Bright
  • Intelligent
  • Compassionate
  • Logical
  • Driven

How many celebrities have you met in your life?

How many celebrities have you met in your life?
  • None
  • One or two
  • A handful
  • I lost track a long time ago