What Is Your Lifestyle?
What Is Your Lifestyle?
How do you live your life?
What would you rather save up for?

- A designer bag
- A vacation
- I'd rather pay off debt
- New technology
- Other
Do you go into social situations alone or do you need a friend to accompany you?

- Alone is fine
- I'd go with a friend
Where would you rather live?

- In a nice mansion
- A cabin
- A beach house
- An apartment
- Other
Which would you rather do?

- Travel the country
- Remodel a home
- But a new house
- Buy a new car
- Other
Do you get the newest technology as soon as it's out?

- Of course I do
- I wait awhile before getting it
- I don't care for technology
Where would you rather shop?

- A thrift store
- Online
- High end boutiques
- Outlets
Is knowledge important to you?

- Yes it is
- It is somewhat
- Not really
Which of these activities do you do at least once a month?

- Go to a bar
- Go to a museum
- Go to a concert
- Go to a movie or live theater performance
- None of these
How much money would you say you spend a week?

- $10-$100
- $100-$200
- $200-$300
- $300-$400
- $500+
How often do you eat out?

- At least everyday
- Once a week
- Only on weekends
- Rarely if ever