Can We Guess Your Personal Vexation?
a958289 Can We Guess Your Personal Vexation? Can We Guess Your Personal Vexation? We all have personal vexations, those little things that just get under our skin. Do you think we can guess your vexation based on a few questions? Take this quiz and find out!

Your friend offers to give you a ride. When you get in their car, it is littered with coffee cups, garbage, and wrappers. How do you feel?

Your friend offers to give you a ride. When you get in their car, it is littered with coffee cups, garbage, and wrappers. How do you feel?
  • I'm utterly grossed out
  • I no longer take the ride
  • I'm not bothered
  • I feel fine, but offer to help them clean up
  • I'm a little skeeved out

If you had to choose one hobby that you currently love or would love to start, which would it be?

If you had to choose one hobby that you currently love or would love to start, which would it be?
  • Baking
  • Programming
  • Stand up comedy
  • Writing
  • Yoga

What is your favorite trait to find in a friend?

What is your favorite trait to find in a friend?
  • A sense of humor
  • Ambition
  • Cleanliness
  • Good style
  • Intelligence

What color is your bedroom?

What color is your bedroom?
  • White
  • Blue
  • Red
  • Tan
  • Green

What is your most common dream at night?

What is your most common dream at night?
  • Being swallowed by garbage
  • Debating another person
  • Flying
  • Standing naked in front of a crowd
  • Traveling to faraway lands

What is the greatest insult a person could sling at you?

What is the greatest insult a person could sling at you?
  • That I'm ignorant
  • That I'm overbearing
  • That I'm a slob
  • That I'm lazy
  • That I'm uptight

How does traffic make you feel?

How does traffic make you feel?
  • What kind of question is this?
  • Angry
  • Confined
  • Humored
  • It doesn't bother me

If you could choose one city to live in, which city would you choose?

If you could choose one city to live in, which city would you choose?
  • New York City
  • Austin, TX
  • San Francisco, CA
  • Portland, OR
  • Nashville, TN

What scares you?

What scares you?
  • Heights
  • Rats
  • Not meeting my goals
  • Being embarrassed
  • Ghosts

What is your favorite genre of music?

What is your favorite genre of music?
  • Classical
  • Country
  • Alternative
  • Rap
  • Pop/Dance