Which Year Are You?
Which Year Are You?
Which iconic year in history are you?
What's something that really interest you?

- History
- Science
- Urban legends
- Music
- Other
What are your thoughts on politics?

- I vote but I'm not up to date
- I care about politics deeply
- I don't care for politics
Do you believe in the supernatural?

- Yes I do
- I'm unsure
- No I don't
What are your thoughts on technology?

- It's something that has helped us greatly
- I appreciate it but I like doing this the old-fashioned way
- I'm not a big fan of technology
What do you think was the greatest decade?

Which of these mean the most to you?

- The world and its entirety
- My friends and family
- My country
- Other
How are you with keeping secrets?

- Terrible
- I'm alright with them
- I bring my secrets to the grave
What genre of music do you like most?

- Pop
- Classic rock
- Country
- Jazz
- Other
Do you ever protest on subjects you care deeply about?

- Of course
- I have once or twice
- No I haven't
How do you feel about your country?

- I love my country
- It's okay
- I'm not a fan