Do You Have An Attractive Aura?
adf54ec Do You Have An Attractive Aura? Do You Have An Attractive Aura? Some of us have auras that glow in rainbow, others prefer a more subtle hue. Do you have an attractive aura? Is it one that draws others into your world? Take these 10 quiz questions and we'll reveal the truth!

What's your favorite flavor?

What's your favorite flavor?
  • Sweet
  • Spicy
  • Salty
  • Sour

What do you most value in a friend?

What do you most value in a friend?
  • Deep conversations
  • Honesty
  • Loyalty
  • Spontaneity

What do you feel is your biggest weakness?

What do you feel is your biggest weakness?
  • I don't listen to others enough.
  • I can be impatient.
  • I'm very disorganized..
  • I'm always late for everything.

What is your favorite jacket?

What is your favorite jacket?
  • A trendy blazer.
  • A jean jacket.
  • A leather jacket.
  • A hoodie.

What kind of eyes do you have?

What kind of eyes do you have?
  • Heavy deep eyes.
  • Big round eyes.
  • Almond shaped eyes.
  • Wide set eyes.

What is your favorite kind of party?

What is your favorite kind of party?
  • Masquerade
  • Fourth of July
  • Birthday
  • House warming

Which hobby are you great at?

Which hobby are you great at?
  • Cooking
  • Writing
  • Crochet
  • Playing an instrument

What do you feel is your most attractive facial feature?

What do you feel is your most attractive facial feature?
  • My cheekbones
  • My eyes
  • My lips
  • My hair

Would you say that you're wise?

Would you say that you're wise?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Somewhat

When do you sing the most?

When do you sing the most?
  • In the shower
  • While driving through traffic
  • When with my friends
  • I don't really sing at all