ae6cbf9Are You More Right-Brained Or Left-Brained?Some people are more right brained and others more left brained, but do you know which side of your brain you're using more? Take these 10 questions and discover just which part of your noggin your implementing daily!
What subjects did you excel in at school?
Math, science, chemistry
English, art, sociology
Music, physical education, home economics
Do you get more enjoyment from reading the book or watching the movie?
Reading the book
Watching the movie
I like to do both
Tax season is coming, where are your receipts?
Organized neatly in chronological order
Stuffed into a box somehwere
Sorted (but barely)
When working in groups, what role do you like to play?
I like to be the leader and organizer
I like to take on the creative aspects of the project