What’s Your Love Alignment?
af12551 What’s Your Love Alignment? What’s Your Love Alignment? When we're in love, all of our systems go into overdrive. Our heart races, our tummy turns and the whole world is seen through rose colored glasses. Of course, this all depends on your particular love alignment with another person! Are you and your current beau positively aligned, or like two oppositional poles? If you often experience heartbreak, knowing your love alignment might just change everything!

You see your beau walk into a room. How do you feel as soon as you lay eyes upon them?

You see your beau walk into a room. How do you feel as soon as you lay eyes upon them?
  • Euphoric
  • Anxious
  • Tunnel-visioned

How long have you liked your crush or beau?

How long have you liked your crush or beau?
  • A few weeks
  • A few months
  • A few years

It's Saturday at 10 AM. Do you guys have the same plans in mind for the weekend?

It's Saturday at 10 AM. Do you guys have the same plans in mind for the weekend?
  • Yes, just like we always do!
  • Nah, we rarely see eye to eye.
  • Not exactly, but we'll compromise!

Can you two tease one another without hurt feelings?

Can you two tease one another without hurt feelings?
  • Yes, it's kind of our thing.
  • Sometimes, but one of us gets hurt eventually.
  • Nope, it never turns out that way.

What do adore most about your beau or crush?

What do adore most about your beau or crush?
  • Their sense of humor.
  • Everything, they're the total package!
  • Their smile and eyes.

It's movie night! How likely are you guys to agree on the same flick?

It's movie night! How likely are you guys to agree on the same flick?
  • Very likely, we love the same kind of movies.
  • Kind of likely, it lines up every now and then.
  • Very unlikely, we don't like the same genres.

Have you ever seen your crush at their worst?

Have you ever seen your crush at their worst?
  • Yes, many times.
  • Nope, not yet.
  • I've seen glimpses.

When you're with your person, how would you rate your self esteem?

When you're with your person, how would you rate your self esteem?
  • Higher than average.
  • Average
  • Lower than average.

Has your special someone ever seen you cry?

Has your special someone ever seen you cry?
  • Yes, many times!
  • No, not yet.
  • Sort of, I've teared up in front of them.

Let's pretend that you're going through a difficult time emotionally. Would you clue them in on the details?

Let's pretend that you're going through a difficult time emotionally. Would you clue them in on the details?
  • Absolutely!
  • No way.
  • Maybe once I know them better....