What Is Your Perfect Christmas Gift?
What Is Your Perfect Christmas Gift?
What would you love to receive?
Do you like simple gifts?

- Yes, simple is best
- It depends on what it is
- No, I don't like simple gifts
Do you like to read?

- Yes, it's one of my favorite things to do
- If I find a really good book
- I don't like reading
Do you like technology?

- Yes
- It depends on what type of technology
- Not really
Do you spend a lot of time on the computer?

- Yes, I'm always online
- Only when I have to be
- No
Do you have any pets?

Are you good at taking care of animals?

- Yes, I am very good
- I'm okay at it
- I'm pretty bad at it
Are you difficult to shop for?

- Yes
- I probably am, but I'm not sure
- No, I'm very easy to shop for
Are you indecisive?

Do you like fancy gifts?

- Yes, I love fancy everything
- Fancy is nice, but it's not that important
- I don't like fancy gifts
Do you usually return the gifts you receive?

- No, I always keep them no matter what
- It depends on what it is
- I usually return gifts