Can We Guess Your Dreams?
b428227 Can We Guess Your Dreams? Can We Guess Your Dreams? What do you want most in life?

What do you hate most?

What do you hate most?
  • Conflict
  • Regrets
  • Boredom
  • Being ignored
  • Disappointment
  • Other

How satisfied are you with your current situation?

How satisfied are you with your current situation?
  • Very satisfied
  • Kind of satisfied
  • A little
  • Not at all satisfied
  • I'm not sure

Which word describes you best?

Which word describes you best?
  • Hopeful
  • Calm
  • Adventurous
  • Determined
  • Ambitious

What do you usually do when you face a challenge?

What do you usually do when you face a challenge?
  • Solve it and move on
  • Freak out
  • Ask for advice
  • Look at all possible solutions
  • It depends

Would you say you're a confident person?

Would you say you're a confident person?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I'm unsure

Do stranger's opinions matter to you?

Do stranger's opinions matter to you?
  • Yes they do
  • Not really
  • Not at all

When are you happiest?

When are you happiest?
  • When I'm creative
  • When my social life is flourishing
  • When I'm living life to the fullest
  • When I'm helping people
  • When I'm around people I love

In an ideal world:

In an ideal world:
  • I would be admired
  • I would be perfect
  • People would find me inspiring
  • I would be influential
  • I would have time to think

What type of people are you drawn to?

What type of people are you drawn to?
  • Ambitious people
  • Dreamers
  • Calm people
  • Inspirational people
  • Other

What do you do to get out of a bad mood?

What do you do to get out of a bad mood?
  • Something physical
  • Sleep
  • Talk with someone
  • Find solitude
  • Other