Can We Guess Your Dreams?
Can We Guess Your Dreams?
What do you want most in life?
What do you hate most?

- Conflict
- Regrets
- Boredom
- Being ignored
- Disappointment
- Other
How satisfied are you with your current situation?

- Very satisfied
- Kind of satisfied
- A little
- Not at all satisfied
- I'm not sure
Which word describes you best?

- Hopeful
- Calm
- Adventurous
- Determined
- Ambitious
What do you usually do when you face a challenge?

- Solve it and move on
- Freak out
- Ask for advice
- Look at all possible solutions
- It depends
Would you say you're a confident person?

Do stranger's opinions matter to you?

- Yes they do
- Not really
- Not at all
When are you happiest?

- When I'm creative
- When my social life is flourishing
- When I'm living life to the fullest
- When I'm helping people
- When I'm around people I love
In an ideal world:

- I would be admired
- I would be perfect
- People would find me inspiring
- I would be influential
- I would have time to think
What type of people are you drawn to?

- Ambitious people
- Dreamers
- Calm people
- Inspirational people
- Other
What do you do to get out of a bad mood?

- Something physical
- Sleep
- Talk with someone
- Find solitude
- Other