Who Are You During Lent?
b59004b Who Are You During Lent? Who Are You During Lent? If you belong to a religion that observes Lent, then you likely become someone totally different in the days leading up to Easter! Just who do you become during the Lenten season? The devout follower? Perhaps, the secret fast breaker. Let's find out!

How often do you attend church throughout the year?

How often do you attend church throughout the year?
  • Every single Sunday.
  • Most Sundays.
  • When I feel like waking up.
  • On holidays.
  • When I feel compelled.

What's your favorite part of a church service?

What's your favorite part of a church service?
  • The hymnals
  • Communion
  • The sermon
  • Getting to see everyone
  • The refreshments after

When you think of Lent, which word comes to mind?

When you think of Lent, which word comes to mind?
  • Repent
  • Renew
  • Refrain
  • Give
  • Gift

On Fat Tuesday, you can usual be found....

On Fat Tuesday, you can usual be found....
  • Doing what I always do on a Tuesday.
  • Eating doughnuts.
  • Imbibing thoroughly.
  • Reflecting on the year so far.
  • Watching TV?

What are you hoping to get out of Lent?

What are you hoping to get out of Lent?
  • A lower number on the scale.
  • A closer relationship with God.
  • A new perspective.
  • A great relationship with myself.
  • A sense of healing.

What are you most likely to give up for Lent?

What are you most likely to give up for Lent?
  • Sweets
  • Swearing
  • My negative attitude
  • Meat on Fridays
  • Alcohol

How do you feel the first few days of Lent?

How do you feel the first few days of Lent?
  • Tempted to give up.
  • A bit angry.
  • Proud.
  • Overwhelmed.
  • Indifferent.

When do you wipe off your ashes?

When do you wipe off your ashes?
  • As soon as I leave the church.
  • The next day.
  • I let them wear off on their own.
  • What ashes?

Overall during Lent, you always strive to be...

Overall during Lent, you always strive to be...
  • Kinder
  • More patient
  • Christ like
  • Patient
  • The same as always

When you pray, it is almost always for...

When you pray, it is almost always for...
  • Peace
  • Healing
  • Other people
  • Money
  • Understanding