Which Month Of The Year Are You?
b5f2cdc Which Month Of The Year Are You? Which Month Of The Year Are You? Solve this quiz to find out which month of the year you are. You could be surprised!

What time of the year do you prefer?

What time of the year do you prefer?
  • Summer
  • Spring
  • Autumn
  • Winter

Choose a color

Choose a color
  • Blue
  • Red
  • Orange
  • White
  • Other

Choose a holiday

Choose a holiday
  • Christmas
  • Thanksgiving
  • Easter
  • Valentine's day
  • Other

Are you more optimistic or pessimistic?

Are you more optimistic or pessimistic?
  • A lot more opttimistic
  • I'm afraid I'm pessimist
  • I can be a bit of both
  • I don't know

Choose a TV show among the following

Choose a TV show among the following
  • Friends
  • The Simpsons
  • Saved By The Bell
  • Full House
  • Baywatch

What word describes you the best?

What word describes you the best?
  • Creative
  • Traditional
  • Romantic
  • Friendly
  • Outgoing
  • Other

What month of the year is the person you love the most born in?

What month of the year is the person you love the most born in?
  • December/January/February
  • March/April/May
  • June/July/August
  • September/October/November

Do you believe in faith?

Do you believe in faith?
  • A bit
  • I totally do
  • Not at all

Do you love spicy food?

Do you love spicy food?
  • Yes, the spicier the better
  • No, I rarely use any spices
  • It's tasty sometimes

Do you like going to the beach?

Do you like going to the beach?
  • Not really, I burn easily
  • I go when invited, but it's not my favorite
  • I'd live on a beach if I could